East Los Angeles-Montebello Club

East Los Angeles-Montebello Club


President: Linda Wilson, lindalwilson@juno.comVice-President: Jo Anne Mitchell; Secretary: Karen Roberson, roberson.karen@sbcglobal.netTreasurer: Yvonne Ng; Parliamentarian: Donna De La Rosa; Public Policy Chair: Linda Wilson

East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW usually meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 5:00 P.M. (Social) and 5:30 P.M. for meeting and dinner at Marie Callender’s Restaurant, 220 S. Atlantic Blvd., Monterey Park starting in September and unless specified differently. Contact Linda for reservations.

Next Event: Wednesday, April 23rd 5:00/5:30 P.M. East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW at Marie Callender’s, 220 S. Atlantic Blvd., Monterey Park. Program: Monterey Park Fire Department speaks on “Earthquake Preparedness” and Election of officers for 2025-26.

Saturday, April 19th 9:00 A.M. Sierra Mar District Annual Conference (East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW is in charge of program with speakers including the Young Careerists) and installation of Sierra Mar officers for 2025-26 2009 S. Garfield, Monterey Park. Program:
Friday, May 16th-Sunday, May 18th CFBPW Annual Conference with Saturday luncheon to include Young Professionals at Courtyard by Marriott, 2100 West Empire Avenue, Burbank, CA 91504 and via Zoom.
Wednesday, May 28th

5:00/5:30 P.M. East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW at Marie Callender’s, 220 S. Atlantic Blvd., Monterey Park. Program: Dr.Shawndeeia Drinkard speaking on Mental Health issues with  Installation of officers for 2025-26.

Saturday, June 21st Sierra Mar June Training and Dessert Auction at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 2009 S. Garfield, Monterey Park (East Valley is in charge of the program).
Wednesday, June 25th 5:00/5:30 P.M. Program Planning for 2025-2026 at Marie Callender’s, 220 S. Atlantic Blvd., Monterey Park.




February 26, 2025, East Los Angeles-Montebello “Young Careerist for 2025” Dr. Shawndeeia Drinkard

East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW Treasurer Yvonne introducing the 2025 Young Careerist Dr, Shawndeeia Drinkard

East Los Angeles-Montebello 2025 Young Careerist Dr. Shawndeeia Drinkard


East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW Treasurer Yvonne, i2025 Young Careerist Dr, Shawndeeia Drinkard and East Los Angeles-Montebello President Linda


2025 Young Careerist Dr. Shawndeeia Drinkard

Attendees at the Young Careerist program: Karen, Aida, Ysenia and Donna

Attendees at the Young Careerist program: Mike and C.J.


February 7, 2025, Monterey Park City Council honored Carol and Larry Sullivan with its Tree Memorial Award for their contributions to the City of Monterey Park. The actual dedication of the tree was on December 14, 2024.

Carol Sullivan, East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW Woman of Achievement Chair

Carol thanking the attendees for the honor.
To the left is the tree.


Plaque on the tree


December 11, 2024 Holiday Party at Derby Restaurant, 233 E. Huntington Drive, Arcadia



East Los Angeles-Montebello members


East Los Angeles-Montebello Vice President Jo Anne, Secretary Karen and guest Bernice

East Los Angeles-Montebello “Woman of Achievement 2023” Donna and guest Tom

Theresa, Bernice and Donna

East Los Angeles-Montebello Treasurer Yvonne and Student member Ava

East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW members with gift cards for two needy families

October 23, 2024 East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW had its annual “Woman of Achievement for 2024” honoring Christina Aiu-Quezada. Click here to see the hula dance https://photos.app.goo.gl/HLHwZkVoJxcFvM1T9.

“Woman of Achievement for 2024” Christina Aiu-Quezada

East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW member introducing the honoree

East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW President Linda (on right)  presenting the Woman of Achievement plaque to Christina


Woman of Achievement 2024 Plaque

Secretary Karen, Dual member C.J. and two guests

August 24, 2024 East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW had its first annual Tea Party fundraiser at the Boys and Girls Club in Monterey Park.

Ready for the Tea Party with their hats on – Jo Anne, C.J., Donna, Aida and Yvonne

The food awaits

Sally and Sue

Jo Anne, Carol and Theresa

Ashley Maria enjoying her tea (Beverages on right side are pink lemonade, iced tea, coffee and hot water for various kinds of tea)

Karen enjoying the delicious food

Blackout Bingo was one of the four games played


Jo Anne with her prize cup for winning deciphering letters to form words


Items waiting for the Dessert Auction


Strawberry Cake waiting for the auction


This delicious dessert was made by Theresa’s daughter


Linda won the auction for the cake


January 23, 2024, East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW’s “Young Careerist 2024” honoring Elizabeth Anne Marie Mitchell at Marie Callender’s Restaurant, Monterey Park.

Parliamentarian Jo Anne introducing the Young Careerist


Young Careerist 2024 Elizabeth Anne Marie Mitchell receiving the plaque from President Linda


Young Careerist 2024 plaque


Secretary Karen

Rick, Aida, Lilian and Marjory

Donna, Jo Anne, Marian, Ray and Elizabeth

December 5, 2023 East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW’s held its annual Holiday Party at the Black Angus Restaurant in Whittier.


Marjory and Jo Anne


Karen and Marian



Yvonne and Ava


October 24th East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW’s “Woman of Achievement 2023” honoring Donna De La Rosa at Marie Callender’s Restaurant, Monterey Park.

East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW “Woman of Achievement 2023” Donna de La Rosa


East Los Angeles-Montebello Treasurer Yvonne talking about Donna’s accomplishments

Attendees at the dinner – Donna is right front

Attendees at the dinner from the Boys and Girls Club of the West San Gabriel Valley and the Eastside

Presentation of the plaque with flowers – Yvonne, Donna and Linda, President of East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW

East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW “Woman of Achievement 2023” Donna De La Rosa

Donna with her family, Marlene De La Rosa, Thomas Slupski (in back) and Victor De La Rosa



Attendees honoring Donna as the “Woman of Achievement 2023”


August 26th East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW had its annual fundraising Patio Party at Marjory’s.

Hollywood BPW President Marjory and
in back Maria Z.

NFBPWC and CFBPW Parliamentarian Sandy explaining why yellow is worn on August 26th

In back East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW Student Member Ava, in front CFBPW President Maria with Maggie

In back East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW President Linda and in front El Monte BPW President Mavis


East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW Treasurer Yvonne


CFBPW President Maria, California BPW Education Fund President Rosemary and NFBPWC and CFBPW Parliamentarian Sandy

Hollywood BPW member Ashley-Maria with CFBPW President Maria

Marian and East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW Parliamentarian JoAnne

East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW Vice President Carol with Theresa


Marina with Maria Z.

Virginia with El Monte BPW President Mavis

Sierra Mar BPW District President Sally, CFBPW President Maria, California BPW Education Fund President Rosemary and NFBPWC and CFBPW Parliamentarian Sandy. In back JoAnne and Virginia



January 25, 2023 East Los Angeles-Montebello “Young Careerist for 2023” Monique Rodriguez

Monique Rodriguez, Young Careerist for 2023

Boys and Girls Club of West San Gabriel Valley and Eastside supporting Monique selection as Young Careerist for 2023

Boys and Girls Club of West San Gabriel Valley and Eastside supporting Monique selection as Young Careerist for 2023

East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW members JoAnne and Karen, who is Secretary of the Club

East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW Dual Member Marjory celebrating Monique’s selection as Young Careerist


December 6, 2022 East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW’s Holiday Party at Black Angus Restaurant in Whittier

East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW members


Party gifts


Gifts collected for the family that the Club adopted for Christmas


November 22,2022 East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW learned about the Boys and Girls Club of the West San Gabriel

Valley and Eastside’s” program “Be Kind.”

Josue talking about the “Be Kind” program.

Josue Arias, Chief Kindness Officer of the Boys and Girls Club of the West San Gabriel Valley and the Eastside

East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW members (Marjory, Carol, Kathryn, Lilian, Linda Karen and JoAnne) with Josue



October 25, 2022 East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW “Woman of Achievement for 2022” Kathryn Foster

East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW “Woman of Achievement for 2022” Kathryn Foster


“Woman of Achievement ” plaque


President of East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW Linda presenting the plaque to Kathryn Foster


Vice-President Carol telling about Kathryn’s accomplishments


Jim Iwaki of the Monterey Park Historical Society presenting a certificate of recognition to Kathryn for her service to the Society and the Museum


Bouquet presented to Kathryn for her service


Jason Dhing presenting a certificate of appreciation to Kathryn for her service to the Library Foundation and the library

Shirley Hwong and Isabel Wu congratulating Kathryn (center)


Monterey Park City Clerk Vincent Chang thanking Kathryn for her service to the City


August 27, 2022 East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW had its annual Patio Party fundraiser and recognition of Women’s Equality Day, which commemorates the ratification of the 19th Amendment where women won the right to vote in 1920. 

Picnic lunch


Opportunity Drawing Items


Linda and Marian



CFBPW Program/Projects Chair, Valley Sunset District President and Dual Member of East Los Angeles-Montebello Marjory

CFBPW immediate Past President Lynn


East Valley BPW President Sally


President of East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW Linda


Guest Ava

Treasurer of East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW Yvonne


Guest Marian

East Valley BPW member Marie


Guest Sue



Dual member of East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW and President of Valley Sunset District BPW Marjory

Guest Maggie


Hollywood BPW member Ramona

January 27, 2022 East Los Angeles-Montebello “Young Careerist for 2022” Sabrina Chu

Sabrina Chu

2022 Young Careerist Plaque for Sabrina Chu

East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW President Karen presenting the plaque to Young Careerist 2022 Sabrina Chu

November 17, 2021 Monterey Park Police Chief Kelly Gordon updates East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW

Attendees at Police Chief Gordon’s presentation

Monterey Park Police Chief Kelly Gordon

Attendees at Police Chief Gordon’s presentation

October 27, 2021 East Los Angeles-Montebello “Woman of Achievement for 2021” Lilian Kawaratani


Lilian Kawaratani



Lilian receiving Monterey Park Certificate recognizing her service from Council member Peter Chan


Monterey Park Certificate

Yukio Kawaratani with Monterey Park Senior Librarian Evena Shu presenting Lilian with a recognition certificate from the library for her service in teaching the citizenship class and tutoring the students

Recognition certificate from Assembly Ed Chau for Lilian’s service

Karen Roberson, President of East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW, presenting Lilian with her plaque. Yukio, Lilian’s husband is next to her.

Recognition certificate from State Senator Susan Rubin for Lilian’s service.

Larry Sullivan from the Library Board, Yukio. Evena Shu representing the Library, Lilian and Jason Dhing from the  Library Board

August 21, 2021 East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW had its annual Patio Party fundraiser and recognition of Women’s Equality Day, which commemorates the ratification of the 19th Amendment where women won the right to vote in 1920. 

Hostesses Karen, President of East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW, and Marjory, Dual Member of East Los Angeles-Montebllo BPW and President of Vally Sunset BPW District

Exhibit for Women’s Equality Day  (August 26th) and some of the prizes for the drawing

Parliamentarian Linda

NFBPWC Young BPW Chair Ashley Maria, East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW member Yvonne and guest Marian

El Monte BPW Treasurer Lorene

Marjory with Hollywood Student Member Lisette

Sierra Mar BPW District Treasurer Denise with her mother Lorene

CFBPW Treasurer Anne Marie, East Valley BPW President Sally and CFBPW President Lynn

East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW member Theresa and East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW Vice President Carol

May 26, 2021 East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW’s program featured Past NFBPWC President and Past BPW International President Elizabeth “Liz” Benham talking about CEDAW (Convention for the Elimination of All Discrimination Against Women), which is a United Nations treaty. NFBPWC supports the ratification of CEDAW. CEDAW was written 41 years ago – December 18, 1979. In 1980 President Carter signed it, but so far the Senate has not confirmed it. The United States is the only country to sign it, but not ratify it. The other countries that have not signed or ratified it are Iran, Palau, Somalia, Sudan and Tonga. The following is part of former NFBPWC’s President Elizabeth “Liz” Benham’s presentation on May 26, 2021 to East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW CEDAW PPT, CEDAW, CEDAW2, CEDAW3 andCEDAW4

East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW President Karen

Liz Benham



Cities for CEDAW

March  24, 2021 Marjory Hopper, CFBPW Program/Projects Chair and President of Hollywood BPW presented a program for Women’s History Month  entitled “California Woman, Who Are Fascinating And Women, Who Dared That Are Recognized and Remembered.”

Karen, President of East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW

Marjory, speaker for the evening

Sandy, immediate Past President of NFBPWC

Manjul, NFBPWC and CFBPW Small Business Chairs

Sher, NFBPWC Culural Diversity Chair

Twila, CFBPW Memorial Chair

Sally, East Valley BPW President

Yvonne, East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW Nominations Chair

Stephanie, East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW Young Careerist for 2021

February 24, 2021 Reena Carroll, Executive Director of the California Conference for Equality and Justice, presented a program for Black History Month.

Speaker Reena Carroll, Executive Director of the California Conference for Equality and Justice

PowerPoint presentation on becoming an anti-racist

Below the slide are President Karen and Vice-President Carol

Another PowerPoint slide on values

January 27, 2021 “Young Careerist” for 2021 – Stephanie Esquivel, Site Coordinator for Estrada Courts for the Boys and Girls Club of the West San Gabriel Valley and the Eastside 

Stephanie Esquivel

East Los Angeles-Montebello President Karen presenting the plaque to Stephanie Esquivel

Stephanie Esquivel, East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW Young Careerist for 2021

East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW Young Careerist 2021 plaque

October 28, 2020 “Woman of Achievement” for 2020 – Michelle Freridge, Executive Director of the Asian Youth Center (AYC)

Michelle Freridge, Asian Youth Center Executive Director

NFBPWC President Megan Shellman-Rickard

Michelle Freridge with Karen Roberson, President of the East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW

Mary Wong, President of the AYC Board

Helen Romero Shaw, immediate Past President of the AYC Board

Sandy Rosco, Executive Director of the San Gabriel Chamber of Commerce

Ray Jan, Executive Director of the Rosemead Chamber of Commerce

Carol, Vice President of East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW

Michelle’s plaque as the 2020 “Woman of Achievement”

Recognition certificate from the City of San Gabriel


Karen, President of East Los Angeles BPW with Michelle Freridge, “Woman of Achievement” for 2020



September 23, 2020

CFBPW Vice President Sally McMahon reviewed the twelve Propositions on the California November 3rd ballot via Zoom. 

Zoom Participants

February 26, 2020

Allen Edson, President of the Pasadena NAACP, shared information about African Americans in Pasadena and plans for the Pasadena NAACP for Black History Month program.

East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW Dual Member Marjory with Allen Edson, President of Pasadena NAACP

East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW Dual Member Marjory with Allen Edson, President of Pasadena NAACP and East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW President Karen Roberson

January 22, 2020

Aida Diaz, who is Site Director of La Puente for the Boys and Girls Club of West San Gabriel, was honored as
East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW’s Young Careerist for 2020

Young Careerist Aida Diaz with East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW President Karen Roberson

East Los-Angeles-Montebello President Karen Roberson (on right) presenting Young Careerist plaque to Aida Diaz

Yvonne Ng from the Boys and Girls Club of the West San Gabriel Valley; Yesenia Diaz, sister of Aida and also an employee at the Boys and Girls Club of West San Gabriel Valley; East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW member Kathy Wills and East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW Dual Member Marjory Hopper



                                            East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW members celebrating the holidays early at Derby Restaurant
in Arcadia. Attendees donated Arco gas cards, Target gift cards and Walmart gift cards to Karen
for Family Promise of San Gabriel Valley.

December 8, 2019 East Los Angeles-Montebello members and others participated in MERCI’s Annual “Trees of Enchantment” fundraiser at the Quiet Cannon in Montebello

East Los Angeles-Montebello members: Marjory, Annie
and Bea


Marie Montanez honored as “Woman of Achievement 2019” – October 23, 2019


Monterey Park Mayor Hans Liang
[ Marie with East Los Angeles-Montebello President Karen


Some of the audience at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church recognizing Marie Montanez as East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW’s “Woman of Achievement for 2019”[/caption]


More of the audience at St. Paul’s – the woman on the right is Marie’s 92-year-old mother Cecelia Montanez[/caption]

Wednesday, September 25th

CFBPW Vice-President and Sierra Mar District Public Policy Chair Sally McMahon
gave tips on fact checking candidates and initiatives on the 2020 ballots.


Sunday, August 25th –  “21st Century Suffragist Tea Party” at Marjory’s

Suffragist Tea Party – 2020 is 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment where women won the right to vote.

NFBPWC is 100 years old as of July 2019

Hollywood BPW President Marjory and hostess for Suffragist Tea East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW President Karen with Hollywood BPW President Marjory

Hollywood BPW Treasurer Linda B.

Maria Zermeno



NFBPWC President Karen, Valley Sunset President Anne Marie and Karen

CFBPW President-Elect Lynn





East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW member Kathy


May 29, 2019

Installation of officers with speaker Pastor Mamie Ko of Shepherd of the Hills United Methodist Church in Monterey Park speaking on the “Pioneer Woman in Ministry”

President Karen with speaker Pastor Mamie Ko, Shepherd of the Hills United Methodist Church of Monterey Park


October 24, 2018

Theresa Amador honored as “Woman of Achievement 2018.”


Theresa Amador with Monterey Park Mayor Pro-tem Hans Liang

Carol Sullivan, Mayor Pro-tem Hans Liang and Dave Barron, publisher of “San Gabriel Valley Journal”

Theresa with Carol, Vice President of East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW

East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW President Karen Roberson presenting “Woman of Achievement plaque to Theresa

Karen presenting the “Woman of Achievement” pin to Theresa

Theresa’s daughter Cynthia


Cynthia and her husband with Theresa’s son


Some of the attendees at the event.[/caption]

October 6, 2018 East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW members and NFBPWC President Sandy attending and supporting  the Family Promise of San Gabriel Valley’s Big Band Theory Dinner/Concert/Dance fundraiser at the Church of the Good Shepherd, Arcadia, CA
September 26, 2018 Sierra Mar BPW District Public Policy Chair Sally McMahon talked on Propositions on the November ballot on September 26th.
Saturday, August 25, 2018 Annual Patio Party
Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Carol Sullivan honored as “Woman of Achievement 2017” at MERCI, 525 N. Chandler Avenue, Monterey Park East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW Woman of Achievement 2017 NewsRelease  and East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW Women of Achievement 2017 Flyer

East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW President Marta with 2017 “Woman of Achievement/Year” Carol Sullivan

Saturday, December 3, 2017 MERCI’s Trees of Enchantment was at Almansor Court. At this event Marta Escañuelas, Past President of East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW was honored for her 20 years of service to MERCI and on her retirement. Marta Escañuelas being presented a certificate of appreciation from East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW President Karen Roberson on Marta’s retirement from MERCI