Burbank Club

Burbank Club

President: Diane Reyes
Secretary: Gloria Salas
Treasurer: Sandy Thompson

The Burbank BPW Club usually meets on the 2nd Thursday of every month at 6:00 P.M. E-mail us for more info at burbankbpw@gmail.com.

Next Meeting: Thursday, April 10th at 6:00 P.M.


For further information see Burbank Business and Professional Women | Facebook.


Burbank BPW January 11, 2024 Program

Linda Cozakos, President of Burbank Tournament of Roses Association and Speaker

City of Burbank’s Float in the 2024 Pasadena Rose Parade and winner of the Mayor’s Trophy

Attendees at the January 11th program via Zoom


December 6, 2023 State Senator Anthony J. Portantino Honors Gloria Salas With Women of Empowerment Award
State Senator Anthony J. Portantino presenting the award to Gloria Salas, Burbank BPW Secretary
March 15, 2022 Burbank BPW Celebrates 100th Anniversary

Burbank BPW’s 100th Anniversary cake with a recognition certificate from the State Legislature

Burbank BPW’s 100th Anniversary Cake

Burbank BPW members: Valerie, Burbank BPW President Diane, Burbank BPW Treasurer and Immediate NFBPWC Past President Sandy and Burbank BPW member Denise

June 15, 2021 Burbank BPW Program on Foster Foster Children to College Program
On 6/15/21 Burbank’s BPW invited Jill Franklin, a wonderful speaker from the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services Independent Living Department, to discuss the support given to youth 16-21. Franklin explained the services they offer to Foster Children, and how Los Angeles County has approximately 400 Foster youth going forward to college or to vocational education. She said the need is great for these youth as they often have few role models who went to college. We were told of youth who would go to college move-in day alone with their belongings in trash bags. So Burbank BPW decided to hold a duffel bag drop this summer. Burbank BPW is asking for donations of new duffel bags that are over 24 inches. Please send any email inquiry to burbankbpw@gmail.com and to get the location for drop off. Click here for the Duffel Bag flyer Burbank Duffel Bag Drive 2021.The Duffel Bag Drive will be from June 15th through August 17th.

Attendees at June 15, 2021 Program

More attendees at June 15, 2021 Program

Congratulations to Burbank member Gloria Salas for being selected for the YWCA Community Service Award.  She will be honored on April 14, 2021.

Also Congratulation to Janet Diel for being selected as one of the Business Life Magazine Women Achievers for this year. CONGRATULATIONS JANET!

Click here for Facebook Page link: https://www.facebook.com/pg/Burbank-Business-and-Professional-Women-248691045986787

April 20, 2021 Burbank BPW Program on Family Service Agency

Chris Ramos from Family Service Agency telling about their services

Participants at the program


Sandy, Treasurer of Burbank BPW

January 28, 2020 Burbank BPW Celebrates 98th Anniversary at Olive Bistro

Burbank members and guests

Burbank members with celebration cake for
98 years of Women Helping Women

Burbank BPW member Diane introducing program speaker Mary Dodge

98th anniversary of Burbank BPW’s cake

President Sandy Thompson received the Family Promise of the Verdugos “Hearts On, Hearts In” Award at the 5th Annual Gala, Saturday, April 6th at the “Rendezvous at the Zoo,” L.A. Zoo and Botanical Gardens.

Harvey Branman of Photography As An Art took the four photos directly below. They  are from the October 23rd meeting of Burbank BPW.

Back row: Arda Tchakian, District Representative from
Senator Anthony Portantino’s office, 25th District
State Senator Anthony Portantino, Burbank President
Front Row: Zonta President Gloria Salas, Burbank
Treasurer Margaret and Burbank member Elvira.

Back Row:Burbank BPW new member Tania Leon,
Burbank member Diane, Burbank member Penny
Front Row: Valley Sunset District President Anne
Marie, CFBPW Vice President Lynn, CFBPW
President-Elect Rosemary and Burbank member

Back Row: Burbank member Janet and Hazel Schrefel
Front Row: Conejo Valley member Cherrl-Lou and
Hollywood BPW President Marjory

Conejo Valley BPW member Cherrl-Lou and
Hollywood BPW President Marjory


Burbank BPW “Woman of Achievement” Zizette Mullins. member of the Burbank City Council


Burbank BPW Woman of Achievement Gloria Salas


Burbank BPW “Woman of Achievement” Fran Wells, Director of Family Ministry at Burbank First United Methodist Church


Gloria Salas


Sharon Springer, Mayor of Burbank 2019-20



Judie Wilke, Acting Assistant City Manager for Burbank


Emily Gabel-Luddy, who was the Mayor of Burbank