Downtown Sacramento BPW Club
Downtown Sacramento BPW Club
Downtown Sacramento BPW: Sacramento BPW was formed in 1919, and Downtown Capitol BPW was formed in 1981. The two Clubs merged in 2010 forming Downtown Sacramento BPW, which serves the Greater Sacramento Area. October 19,2024 Downtown Sacramento BPW will be celebrating its 105th anniversary. Put the date on your calendar and watch this page for more details.
Mission/Purpose/Vision: Please join us as we work to fulfill our Mission, our Purpose and our Vision. Downtown Sacramento BPW’s Mission is to promote and support equity for working women in all phases of their lives and to promote personal empowerment and professional development. Our Purpose is to provide opportunities for members to experience personal, professional and political growth within a supportive atmosphere. Our Vision is to be recognized and known as a positive influence in the community. For Downtown Sacramento’s Bylaws click here Downtown Sacramento Bylaws.
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, April 8th 12 noon-1:00 P.M. Program: Installation of officers. Contact to get the Zoom link.
President: Katherine Winans, Vice-President: Sher Singh, Secretary: Barbara J Davis, Treasurer: Janet Ramsey, Parliamentarian: Barbara J Davis, Membership Chair: Bessie Hironimus Public Policy Chair: Elaine Sierra
Notable past Downtown Sacramento members: March Fong Eu, California Secretary of State Leo McCarthy, California Lt. Governor Leroy Greene, California State Senator Jim Nielsen, California State Senator Anne Rudin, Mayor of the City of Sacramento Alice A Lytle, Sacramento County Municipal Court Judge Marian Ash, 1st Executive Director CA Commission on Status of Women and Director, CA Conservation Corps Susan Cowan Scott, 1st female Public Affairs Manager, CHP and PIO for CA Commission on the Status of Women Caren Daniels Meade, Media Director for Secretary of State March Fong EU Bessie Hironimus, Board Member, CA School Board Assn. and Vicki Atwood Advocate, CA Commission on Status of Women and Girls Barbara McCallum, Esq., CFBPW Legislative Advocate Betty Faye Chapman Kaupalolo, EEOC Compliance Officer, Mather Air Force Base USAF Jane Taff, Citrus Heights City Councilwoman |
Click here to download a membership application for Downtown Sacramento BPW Downtown Sacramento Membership Application.
Facebook page for Downtown Sacramento BPW:
Saturday, October 19, 2024 Downtown Sacramento celebrated its 105th anniversary at the Old Spaghetti Factory in Sacramento. Click here for the program 105th Program-2024. Click here for the flip book of the event
Downtown Sacramento Vice President Sher with the banner of the 105th anniversary of Downtown Sacramento |
For additional photos of the event see the flip book |
Woman of Achievement 2024
Downtown Sacramento BPW “Woman of Achievement” Elaine Sierra
Health Education Council’s September 2024 Workforce Development Symposium
Dave, Bessie and Sher
Congratulations to member Jane Taff for winning election to the Citrus Heights City Council on November 8th.
Downtown Sacramento Jane Taff being sworn in as Citrus Heights Council person
Downtown Sacramento BPW member MariJane “Jane” Taff |
The vote count. Congratulations Jane for winning. Every vote counts!
November mixer
Downtown Sacramento BPW Secretary Sondra, CFBPW President Bessie and Downtown Sacramento BPW President Katherine
(on right) Downtown Sacramento BPW Membership Chair Sher presenting Juelle-Ann Boyer Recognition Certificate for service to women to Julie Bornhoeft for WEAVE.
(on right) Downtown Sacramento BPW Membership Chair Sher presenting “Woman of Achievement in Business for 2022” certificate to Amy Gardner
(on right) Downtown Sacramento BPW Membership Chair Sher presenting “Woman of Achievement for Education 2022 ” certificate to Vanessa Sanz Cudabac
Tuesday, October 11, 2022 Sher Singh presented a program on “Women of Achievement” in different fields for 2022. The Club also awarded the first Juelle-Ann Boyer to a local organization helping women. The awardee was WEAVE.
Amy Gardner, “Woman of Achievement for Business for 2022”
Catherine Turrill Lupi, PhD, “Woman of Achievement for Community for 2022” |
Vanessa Cudabac, “Woman of Achievement for Education for 2022”
Juelle-Ann Boyer
WEAVE, winner of the first Julle-Ann Boyer award for service to women
Tuesday, August 10, 2021 Twila Stout presented a program on “The Significance of Women’s Equality Day (August 26).” As women do not yet have equality, August 26th is more a day of looking at how far we have come and how far we still have to go. Women in California make only 82 cents for each white man. Women of color make even less. CFBPW continues to work on Pay Equity and passage of the Equal Rights Amendment.
Tuesday, July 13, 2021 Downtown Sacramento had a presentation on “The Political Campaign That Changed the World: 1911 California” with Dr. Susan Walsh, past President of Merced College.
Dr. Susan Walsh |
Tuesday, June 8, 2021 Downtown Sacramento had a presentation on the National Federation of Business and Professional Women’s free Mentoring Program by Dr. Trish Knight, who is a past President of the National Federation and Chair of the Mentoring Committee. For more information, check the page.
NFBPWC Past President and Chair of the NFBPWC Mentoring Committee Dr. Trish Knight |
Click here for recording of August 11, 2020 program on Jessie Haver Butler, suffragette, mother, speaker and 1st woman lobbyist in Washington, D.C.
Woman of Achievement for Downtown Sacramento for 2020: Debra Oto-Kent – Executive Director, Health Education Council
CFBPW President Rosemary Enzer, Bay Capital District President Maria De Sousa, Downtown Sacramento’s 2020 “Woman of Achievement, Debra Oto-Kent – Executive Director, Health Education Council and Downtown Sacramento President Katherine Winans
New Member: Edith Gomez, Program Director of the Entrepreneurial Development project for Sacramento’s Health Education Council (on left), being installed by Bessie Hironimus, BPW International Executive Secretary (on right)
President Katherine Winans and Edith Gomez, Program Director of the Entrepreneurial Development project for Sacramento’s Health Education Council, who spoke at Downtown Sacramento BPW’s October program
Downtown Sacramento BPW was recognized by the City of Sacramento at its 100th Anniversary celebration on April 9, 2019. In 1919 the Club sent a delegation to St. Louis to establish the National Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, and soon thereafter received its charter.
Katherine Winans, CFBPW and Downtown Sacramento BPW President
Bessie Hironimus, BPW International Executive Secretary, Founding President EPW-USA, and Past President of CFBPW
Sandy Thompson, NFBPWC President and Past CFBPW President
Medora Allen, member of BPW since 1946 – 73 years!
President Katherine with a donation of the first set of 20 books to the Sacramento Public Library in memory of Louise Hess, a former BPW member and library supporter.