What are the benefits of membership in the California Federation?
- Membership in the California Federation includes membership in a District, National, Regional and International organizations, all included in the dues.
- Entitles to attend events at all levels, receive communications, contribute to policy development, work on committees and run for office.
- Participate in activities at all levels of the organization; attend webinars, conferences, workshops, and any of its many events.
- Opportunity to meet and collaborate with members from clubs in over 100 countries.
- Opportunity to collaborate with the many partner organizations of BPW including several agencies of the United Nations.
What are the duties of membership?
- Members in good standing have paid their annual fees and support the aims and objectives of BPW.
- They are encouraged to participate in the activities of their Club, District and State Federation, and have the opportunity to also work at the National, Regional and International levels.
- They are encouraged to attend meetings, participate in committee work and stand for office.
When and where are the meetings held?
- Each club has its own calendar of events. Most clubs meet once a month.
- Each District usually meets three or four times a year – Fall, Winter, Spring and June Training – with Spring being the Annual General Meeting.
- The California Federation holds its Annual Conference usually in May and the Public Policy Conference in February/March. Meeting locations change every year, alternating North and South.
- The National Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Clubs (NFBPWC) meets every two years – usually in July. Locations vary around the United States. The next Biennial Assembly will be July 19-21, 2026 in Raleigh/Durham, North Carolina..
- The Regional Conference is every three years. The next Regional Conference will be September 2026 in Toronto, Canada.
- The International Federation holds its Congress every three years. The next Congress will probably be in 2027 in Ecuador.
How much are the membership dues?
- The dues for the California Federation are $85 per year. These include the dues to the National, Regional and International. Individual Clubs and Districts may add a nominal amount for their expenses. Half-year dues (January 1-May 31st) for new members are $42.50. Student member dues are $30 per year. These include the dues to Clubs, Districts, State, National, Regional and International.
BPW Membership allows you to increase your leadership potential and connects you with women through a global web of influence.
Districts and Clubs
Local California Clubs for Professional Women
Click on the districts below to choose the club nearest you or find a club near you by zip code.
Current dues:
Member — $85/year + local club dues as applicable.
Student member — $30.00/year.
You may also be a Member-At-Large without club affiliation.
All member dues include membership in BPW International, NFBPWC, CFBPW and your closest local BPW club.
Southern California
Start A New Club In Your Area
Why not start a BPW Club in your area? It’s a great way to advocate for working women and families, bring like minded women together, and flex your leadership skills. Let us know your thoughts and a representative will contact you shortly.
10 Great Reasons to Join BPW
1. Career Development
2. Continuing Education
3. Legislative Involvement
4. Leadership Experience
5. Lasting Friendships
6. Making a Difference
7. Personal Development
8. Giving Back
9. Learning
10. Having Fun!