




What are the benefits of membership in the California Federation?

  • Membership in the California Federation includes membership in a District, National, Regional and International organizations, all included in the dues.
  • Entitles to attend events at all levels, receive communications, contribute to policy development, work on committees and run for office.
  • Participate in activities at all levels of the organization; attend webinars, conferences, workshops, and any of its many events.
  • Opportunity to meet and collaborate with members from clubs in over 100 countries.
  • Opportunity to collaborate with the many partner organizations of BPW including several agencies of the United Nations.

What are the duties of membership?

  • Members in good standing have paid their annual fees and support the aims and objectives of BPW.
  • They are encouraged to participate in the activities of their Club, District and State Federation, and have the opportunity to also work at the National, Regional and International levels.
  • They are encouraged to attend meetings, participate in committee work and stand for office.

When and where are the meetings held?

  • Each club has its own calendar of events. Most clubs meet once a month.
  • Each District usually meets three or four times a year – Fall, Winter, Spring and June Training  – with Spring being the Annual General Meeting.
  • The California Federation holds its Annual Conference usually in May and the Public Policy Conference in February/March. Meeting locations change every year, alternating North and South.
  • The National Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Clubs (NFBPWC) meets every two years – usually in July. Locations vary around the United States. The next Biennial Assembly will be July 19-21, 2026 in Raleigh/Durham, North Carolina..
  • The Regional Conference is every three years. The next Regional Conference will be September 2026 in Toronto, Canada.
  • The International Federation holds its Congress every three years. The next Congress will probably be in 2027 in Ecuador. 

How much are the membership dues?

  • The dues for the California Federation are $85 per year. These include the dues to the National, Regional and International.   Individual Clubs and Districts may add a nominal amount for their expenses. Half-year dues (January 1-May 31st) for new members are $42.50. Student member dues are $30 per year. These include the dues to Clubs, Districts, State, National, Regional and International.

BPW Membership allows you to increase your leadership potential and connects you with women through a global web of influence.


Districts and Clubs

Local California Clubs for Professional Women

Click on the districts below to choose the club nearest you or find a club near you by zip code.

Current dues:
Member — $85/year + local club dues as applicable.
Student member — $30.00/year.
You may also be a Member-At-Large without club affiliation.
All member dues include membership in BPW International, NFBPWC, CFBPW and your closest local BPW club.

BPW California North District

Southern California

Sierra Mar District

Valley Sunset District

Find a BPW club near you.

Search by City or Zip Code.

Start A New Club In Your Area

Why not start a BPW Club in your area? It’s a great way to advocate for working women and families, bring like minded women together, and flex your leadership skills. Let us know your thoughts and a representative will contact you shortly.

10 + 6 =

10 Great Reasons to Join BPW

1. Career Development
2. Continuing Education
3. Legislative Involvement
4. Leadership Experience
5. Lasting Friendships
6. Making a Difference
7. Personal Development
8. Giving Back
9. Learning
10. Having Fun!