Sierra Mar District
Sierra Mar District
Sierra Mar District Officers & Chairs for 2024-25
President Karen Roberson (Eas Los Angeles-Montebello BPW) President-Elect Carolina Flores-Helizon (El Monte BPW) |
Secretary Mavis Hansen (El Monte BPW) (626) 441-6231 |
Treasurer Denise Rubin (El Monte BPW) | Parliamentarian Linda Wilson (East Los Angles-Montebello BPW) (626) 307-5650 |
Standing Chairs/Special Chairs Finance: vacant By-Laws: Linda Wilson Programs/Projects: Sally McMahon (East Valley BPW) First Timers: Helen Crisp California BPW Education Fund, Inc. Chair: Esthela Torres de Siegrist Opportunities/Ways and Means: Carmen Simmons Public Policy: Sally McMahon Nominations: Mavis Hansen Membership/Marketing: vacant Conference Coordinator: Lifelong Leadership and Learning Team: Maryann Wesson, Public Speaking (626) 332-7486; Sally McMahon, Legislation and Related Topics (626) 825-0557; Linda Wilson, Protocol, Parliamentary Procedure and Related Topics (626) 307-5650 Financial Review: Maryann Wesson Young Professional: vacant Vendor Coordinator: Sally McMahon Yearbook: Linda Wilson Registration: Denise Rubin Small Business: vacant |
President’s theme: Together
Conference Dates and Locations for 2024-25 (Call goes out 45 days in advance of meeting)
Next Meeting: Saturday, Sierra Mar BPW District’s Annual Conference will be Saturday, April 19th at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 2009 S. Garfield Avenue, Monterey Park starting at 8:45 registration and 9:00 A.M. with a memorial service for members who have passed away since the last Annual Conference. The meeting starts at 9:15 A.M. East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW will plan the meeting. Click here for the Call Sierra Mar District Annual Conference Call 2025. The State Rep will be CFBPW President Anne Marie Johnson. Click here for the news release Sierra Mar District Annual Conference News release 2025. Click here for the flyer Sierra Mar District Annual Conference flyer 2025.
CFBPW President Anne Marie Johnson, State Rep.
Morning Speaker Jill Welker speaking on her volunteer work in the Ukraine |
Young Professional Dr. Shawndeeia Drinkard, luncheon speaker |
Afternoon speaker Frances Hale, Lutheran Social Services, speaking on Disaster Responses |
Completed Programs and Events
Saturday, January 18, 2025 was Sierra Mar’s Winter Conference. East Valley BPW hosted the meeting, and East Valley President Sally McMahon chaired the meeting. CFBPW Finance Chair was the State Rep. The morning speaker was Jannel Rap, who spoke about GINA for Missing Children. The afternoon speaker was Larissa Matzek, Executive Director for Crossroads for Women.
CFBPW Treasurer and State Rep Denise
East Valley BPW Treasurer Celia
Sierra Mar President-Elect Carolina, El Monte BPW Treasurer Mary and Sierra Mar Ways and Means Chair Carmen |
East Valley President Sally and Jannel Rap, GINA for Missing Children
Jannel Rap with East Los Angeles-Montebello Vice President Jo Anne
Jo Anne with Sierra Mar President Karen
East Valley Secretary Maryann, NFBPWC Finance Chair Sandy and Valley Sunset Parliamentarian Sandy
CFBPW Program/Projects Chair Rosemary
East Valley President Sally and Larissa Matzek, Executive Director for Crossroads for Women |
Sierra Mar members viewing Larissa Matzek’s talk
East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW Treasurer Yvonne and East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW member Donna |
CFBPW Membership Chair Cherrl-Lou
Saturday, October 19, 2024 was Sierra Mar’s Fall Conference. El Monte BPW hosted the meeting, and El Monte President Mavis Hansen chaired the meeting which was on the “Glamour of Diamonds” and “Scams targeting seniors. Rosemary Enzer, Past CFBPW President, President of the California BPW Foundation and Valley Sunset District President was the State Rep.
Renee Newman speaking on “The Glamour of Diamonds” |
A 2,492 carat diamond |
Why are diamonds prized? |
Two of the books Renee has written on gems. |
More of Renee’s books |
East Valley Treasurer Celia, who ran the PowerPoint presentations |
Sierra Mar Public Policy Chair Sally presenting the Propositions and Los Angeles Measurers on the November ballot |
Sierra Mar attendees Celia, Helen, C.J. and Theresa |
Afternoon speaker Monterey Park Police Detective Brenda speaking on scams |
Program Chair and El Monte BPW President thanking speaker Monterey Park Police Detective Brenda |
Sierra Mar Ways and Means Chair Carmen (on the left) congratulating El Monte Treasurer Mary on winning the donation drawing |
Program Chair and El Monte BPW President Mavis with State Rep. Rosemary evaluating the meeting |
Saturday, June 15, 2024 was Sierra Mar’s June Training and Dessert Auction. East Valley BPW hosted the meeting, and East Valley President Sally McMahon chaired the meeting which was on “Business Etiquette” and the CFBPW, NFBPWC and BPW-International websites. Sandy Thompson, immediate Past NFBPWC President and CFBPW Parliamentarian, was the State Rep and presented the “Business Etiquette” program. Linda Wilson, President of East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW, did the presentation on the websites. Celia Bullard, East Valley Treasurer, conducted the dessert auction which is Sierra Mar’s only fundraiser.
Sierra Mar President Karen
East Valley President Sally chaired the meeting
NFBPWC Immediate Past President and CFBPW Parliamentarian Sandy was the State Rep and presented the program on “Business Etiquette |
“Business Etiquette” PowerPoint Presentation |
NFBPWC Immediate Past President and CFBPW Parliamentarian Sandy was the State Rep |
Sierra Mar President-Elect Carolina and Sierra Mar Secretary Mavis
East Los Angeles-Montebello Treasurer Yvonne with East Los Angeles-Montebello members Sida and Donna |
CFBPW President Anne Marie |
CFBPW President resenting a pin recognizing that East Los Angeles-Montebello Treasurer brought in six new members |
East Valley Treasurer and Auctioneer for Dessert Auction Celia |
Pies, cookies, etc. at Dessert Auction
Sierra Mar Parliamentarian and East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW President Linda talking about CFBPW, NFBPWC and BPW International websites. |
Saturday, April 20, 2024 was Sierra Mar’s Annual Conference. East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW hosted the meeting and East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW President Linda Wilson chaired the meeting which was on Climate Change and what Monterey Park has done after the January 2023 mass shooting. Rosemary Enzer, CFBPW Co-Chair of Public Policy and Valley Sunset BPW District President, was the State Representative. The speakers were Cynthia Cannady and Kathy Berlin from the League of Women Voters-Pasadena speaking on what can be done about climate change and Monterey Park Mayor Thomas Wong. Officers for 2024-25 were elected and installed.
Secretary Mavis conducting Memorial Service for Marie Clifton (East Valley BPW) and Twila Stout (East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW)
CFBPW State Rep. Rosemary, past CFBPW President, Co-Chair of CFBPW Public Policy Committee and President of Valley Sunset BPW District |
First Timer Donna (East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW)
First Timer Elizabeth Gallegos
First Timer Joyce Woo
NFBPWC and CFBPW Parliamentarian Sandy telling about BPW-International, NFBPWC and United Nations Commission on the Status of Women
NFBPWC Emily Van Vleck, who presented at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women Parallel Event on Period Poverty
Another presenter at NFBPWC parallel event
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The sources of Green House gases and warming of the climate change
What can be done about climate warming?
Swiss women brought the Swiss government to the World Court to get their government to do something about climate change, and they won. Here they are celebrating the win. |
Morning speaker Kathy Berlin with Cynthia on climate change
President Sally awarding Yvonne for bringing in five new members
Yvonne, Treasurer of East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW
East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW Parliamentarian introducing Sierra Mar’s Young Professional for 2024
Sierra Mar BPW District Young Professional 2024 Elizabeth “Liz” Anne Marie Mitchell
Monterey Park Mayor Thomas Wong talking what Monterey Park has done after the mass killing i n January 2023
President Sally with Mayor Wong
Installing Officer Maryann
Maryann installing Mavis as Secretary
Maryann installing Carolina as President-Elect
Maryann installing Karen as President
Saturday, January 27,2024 Long-time East Valley and Sierra Mar BPW District Marie Clifton’s Celebration of Life was held at the Spaghetti Factory in Duarte, CA. There were more than 70 people in attendance including co-workers, renters at the place Marie managed and Business and Professional Women from Sierra Mar and Valley BPW Districts. The following photos are just some of the attendees.
Banner showing Marie at various stages
Marie Clifton |
Carolina, Sue and Marjory |
Mary, Lynn, Anne Marie and Mavis |
Jo Anne, Cherrl-Lou and Margaret
Mary and Gigi |
Helen, Sally and Celia |
Maryann |
Saturday, January 20, 2024 was Sierra Mar’s Winter Conference. Sierra Mar President Sally McMahon chaired the meeting which was on voting, the CFBPW Public Policy Statement and CFBPW Focus issues for 2024-26. Denise Luckhurst, CFBPW Finance Chair, was the State Representative. The speaker was Margo Reeg, Co-President of the Los Angeles League of Women Voters and President of the Whittier League of Women Voters.
[] Sierra Mar President Sally McMahon |
CFBPW Finance Chair and State Representative |
CFBPW State Rep. with Sierra Mar President Sally |
Co-President of Los Angeles League of Women Voters, President of Whittier League of Women Voters and morning speaker Margo Reeg |
El Monte BPW members (front) Esthela, Carmen, Mary and (back) Zennie, Mavis and Denise |
(front) Maryann (East Valley BPW), Sandy (NFBPWC Parliamentarian) and (back) Helen (East Valley) and Jo Anne (East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW) |
Saturday, October 28, 2023 was Sierra Mar’s Fall Conference. Mavis Hansen, President of El Monte BPW conducted the meeting. October is Domestic Awareness Month. Mavis gave all attendees purple ribbons in recognition of the month and pink ribbons for breast cancer awareness. Lynn Brandstater, immediate Past CFBPW President and current CFBPW Nominations Chair, was the State Representative. The morning speaker were Kim Plater and Alice Slaughter, co-founders of DVAC, Domestic Violence Action Coalition. The afternoon speaker was Health and Wellness Coach Nancy Krueger. All three speakers talked about domestic violence.
KIm Plater from DVAC |
Alice Slaughter from DVAC |
El Monte BPW President Mavis with Kim and Alice |
Sierra Mar First Timers Chair Helen |
State Rep. Lynn Brandstater
East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW Parliamentarian Jo Anne |
Conejo Valley BPW Vice President Cherrl-Lou and East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW Treasurer Yvonne |
East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW member Theresa and East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW Vice President Carol |
CFBPW Past State President Rosemary and Hollywood BPW President Marjory |
El Monte BPW 1st Vice President Mary Jo, El Monte BPW Corresponding Secretary Carmen and El Monte Recording Secretary Esthela |
El Monte Treasurer Mary, El Monte Woman’s Club President Gina Morales and afternoon speaker Nancy Krueger |
State Rep. Lynn, East Valley BPW Secretary Maryann and Sierra Mar President Sally |
Afternoon speaker Nancy Krueger |
September 17, 2023 Sierra Mar
and Valley Sunset BPW District members attended the play “The Right Is Ours!” which is a musical about Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton at the Sierra Madre Playhouse in Sierra Madre, CA.
Play Program |
Sierra Mar BPW District members Maryann, Helen, Sally and Celia |
All attendees received a yellow rose to show support for Women’s Suffrage |
George Van Hove, who had been a member of San Gabriel BPW and Monrovia BPW, passed away this spring. He was known for contributing his strawberry pie and brownies to Sierra Mar District’s Annual June Training and fundraising Dessert Auction. One year his strawberry pie went for $250. Members of Sierra Mar attended his memorial service on July 1st at the 1st Lutheran Church in Monrovia.
George Van Hove |
Maryann, Linda, Sally, Marie and Carolina
Maryann, Linda, Sally, Marie and Anna
Saturday, April 17, 2023 was Sierra Mar’s Annual Conference. Linda Wilson, President of East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW conducted the meeting. The meeting started with Sierra Mar District Secretary Mavis Hansen conducting a memorial service for members who had passed away in the last year. Rosemary Enzer, CFBPW Public Policy Co-chair and past President of CFBPW, was the State Representative. The morning speaker was Josue Arias, Chief Kindness Officer for the Boys and Girls Club of the West San Gabriel Valley and the Eastside. Sierra Mar BPW District also recognized Monique Rodriguez as its Young Professional for 2023. She talked about the various jobs that she has held. She presently administers the Cal VIP program for the Boys and Girls Club of the West San Gabriel Valley and the Eastside. The afternoon speaker was Ivette Aragon, Chief Deputy for Congressman Jimmy Gomez. In addition, officers for 2023-24 were elected. Marjory Hopper, CFBPW Program/Projects Chair, Valley Sunset BPW District President and Hollywood BPW President, was the installing officer.
Mavis conducting the Memorial Service
CFBPW State Representative Rosemary Enzer
East Los Angeles-Montebello Treasurer Yvonne introducing the morning speaker
Josue Arias, the morning speaker
Sierra Mar BPW District “2023 Young Professional” with East Los Angeles-Montebello President Linda presenting her with the plaque
Young Professional Plaque |
Afternoon speaker Ivette Aragon |
Installing Officer Marjory Hopper |
Sierra Mar District President 2023-24 Sally McMahon |
Saturday, January 28, 2023 was Sierra Mar’s Winter Conference. Sally McMahon, President of East Valley BPW conducted the meeting. Marjory Hopper, CFBPW Program/Projects Chair, Valley Sunset BPW District President and Hollywood BPW President. was the State Representative. The morning speaker was Sandy Thompson, CFBPW Parliamentarian and immediate Past NFBPWC President. She updated the attendees on the BPW Regional Conference January 8th-15th in St. Kitts and told about the upcoming “Heart of a Woman” conference February 11th in Houston, Texas and via Zoom. Her main talk was “BPW 100 Years in One Hour.” The afternoon speaker was State Senator Susan Rubio, who talked about redistricting and bills she is working on having to do with domestic violence and children.
Morning Speaker Sandy Thompson
CFBPW Rep. Marjory Hopper
Chair of the meeting Sally McMahon, East Valley BPW President |
State Senator Susan Rubio
East Los Angeles-Montebello Vice President Carol Sullivan with (on the right) the afternoon speaker Susan Rubio |
Saturday, October 15, 2022 was Sierra Mar’s Fall Conference. Mavis Hansen, President of El Monte BPW conducted the meeting.
Rosemary Enzer, past State President , CFBPW Public Policy Co-chair and President of the California BPW Education Fund was the State Representative. The morning speaker was Linda Hess, who talked about Urban Harvester. The afternoon speaker was Maggie Shelley, who spoke on domestic violence.
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First Timers: Lilian and JoAnne |
First Timers Chair Helen with El Monte BPW Recording Secretary Esthela |
East Valley BPW Secretary Maryann with East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW “Woman of Achievement for 2022” Kathryn Foster |
Morning Speaker Linda Hess of Urban Harvester |
East Valley President Sally |
Afternoon Speaker Maggie Shelley, who spoke on domestic violence |
Maggie Shelley |
Saturday, June 18, 2022 was Sierra Mar’s June Training and Dessert Auction. Sally McMahon, President of East Valley BPW, conducted the meeting. Marjory Hopper, Program/Projects
LChair for CFBPW, Valley Sunset District President, Hollywood BPW President and Dual Member of East Los Angeles-Montebello, was the State Representative. The morning speaker was Jane Armbruster Friday, who is in charge of Friends in Deed’s Women’s’s Room. The afternoon speaker was East Valley BPW Secretary Maryann Wesson, who did a mini-workshop on public speaking.
East Valley BPW President Sally, who chaired the June Training Meeting |
CFBPW Program Project Chair and State Representative for the meeting Marjory Hopper
Jane Friday from Friends In Deed’s Women’s Room and the morning speaker |
East Valley BPW Secretary and the afternoon speaker Maryann |
Saturday, April 16, 2022 Sierra Mar held its Annual Conference. CFBPW State President Lynn Brandstater was the State representative. The first morning speaker was Dominique Ruedaflores, who gave her Monterey Park Lion’s Award-winning speech “How Can Kindness Reunite Our Country?” The scond morning speaker was Burbank BPW Secretary and Zonta Lt. Governor Gloria Salas, who spoke on human trafficking. During the recognition and awards part of the program, Mavis Hansen and Denise Rubin were awarded Ms BPW plaques, and President Linda received a plaque recognizing her 50th-year membership and service in BPW. CFBPW Program/Projects Chair and Valley Sunset District BPW President Marjory Hopper was the afternoon speaker talking on the NFBPWC Afghan Project. She also installed Lynn Wen, San Gabriel Valley BPW, as President of Sierra Mar District for 2022-23 and the other officers.
Lions’ Speech winner Dominique Ruedaflores |
Sierra Mar President Linda with Dominique |
Sierra Mary President Linda with speaker Gloria Salas |
On right Sierra Mar District Secretary Maryann presenting President Linda with 50-year recognition plaque |
Sierra Mar President Linda with CFBPW President Lynn |
Sierra Mar District Secretary Maryann presenting Mavis with Ms BPW Plaque |
East Los Angeles-Montebello President Karen receiving recognition certificate from Maryann for having monthly Club Programs during the last year |
Secretary Maryann presenting a certificate of recognition to Marie for East Valley BPW
Secretary Maryann presenting a certificate of recognition to Mary for El Monte BPW |
Secretary Maryann presenting a certificate of recognition to Lynn for San Gabriel Valley BPW |
President Linda presenting a plaque to Sabrina Chu for being Sierra Mar’s Young Professional for 2022 |
CFBPW Program/Projects Chair and Valley Sunset District President Marjory, who spoke in the afternoon on the NFBPWC Afghan Project |
President Linda thanking Marjory for being the afternoon speaker |
Marjory installing Lynn Wen as Sierra Mar District President for 2022-23 |
Sierra Mar District President Lynn Wen |
Saturday, January 15, 2022 Sierra Mar had its Winter Conference. NFBPWC Immediate Past President Sandy Thompson was the State representative. The first morning speaker was actor Cici Lau, who spoke on the “Tenacity of an Actor.” Cici is a veteran actor of more than 30 years. In 2021 she won the Ariel for Best Supporting Actor, which is the Mexican Academy Award. Sandy Thompson did a PowerPoint presentation of the Lifelong Leadership and Learning module “Business Etiquette.”
Actress Cici Lau
Cici in character role |
Cici with Mexican Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress |
NFBPWC Immediate Past President Sandy
Participants at Sierra Mar Winter Conference via Zoom
Saturday, October 16, 2021 Sierra Mar had its Fall Conference. CFBPW Past President Rosemary Enzer was the State representative. She also spoke on CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates). Immediate Past NFBPWC President Sandy Thompson talked about CEDAW, the Convention for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. El Monte BPW organized the meeting, and El Monte President Mary chaired the meeting.
CFBPW Immediate Past President Rosemary Enzer
NFBPWC Immediate Past President Sandy Thompson
PowerPoint presentation on CEDAW with Mary, El Monte President BPW and Sandy Sanders viewing
Saturday, June 19, 2021 Sierra Mar had its annual June Training meeting. Uche Asiodu, Kaiser Permanente Clinical Program Manager at Kaiser Baldwin Park, Diamond Bar Clinic, spoke about “Adapting to Life Post COVID.” Immediate Past NFBPWC President Sandy, CFBPW Small Business Chair and Sierra Mar President Linda talked about “What’s In It for Me (WIIFM)?” to be an officer and/or chair in BPW. East Valley BPW organized the meeting, and East Valley President Sally chaired the meeting.
Sierra Mar President Linda |
East Valley President and Chair of the meeting Sally |
Sierra Mar Secretary Maryann |
Sierra Mar Treasurer Denise |
Sierra Mar Parliamentarian Mavis |
Speaker Uche Asiodu, Kaiser Permanente Clinical Program Manager at Kaiser Baldwin Park, Diamond Bar Clinic |
PowerPoint Presentation |
PowerPoint Presentation |
East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW President Karen |
El Monte BPW President Mary |
San Gabriel Valley BPW President Lynn |
CFBPW Small Business Chair and State Rep for the meeting Manjul |
CFBPW President Lynn |
NFBPW immediate Past President and speaker on WIIFM Sandy |
CFBPW Membership Chair Bessie |
CFBPW Program/Projects Chair and Holywood BPW President Marjory |
CFBPW Memorial Chair and member of East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW Twila |
El Monte BPW Secretary Esthela |
Guest Janet Fuchek |
Attendees at Sierra Mar’s June Training meeting |
Sunday, April 25, 2021 Sierra Mar President Linda presented the 2021 Sierra Mar Young Professional Plaque to Stephanie Esquivel at the West San Gabriel Boys and Girls Club in Monterey Park
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![]() Stephanie Esquivel, Sierra Mar BPW District’s Young Professional 2021 |
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Saturday, April 10, 2021 was Sierra Mar’s Annual Conference via Zoom. There were 34 in attendance. The meeting started with a memorial service honoring members who had passed away since the last Annual Conference in 2019 – Blanca Munguia, Donna Crippen, Shirley Campbell and Eleanor “Ellie” Mires. The speaker was Dr. Jill Shook, the Executive Director and co-founder with her husband of the nonprofit, Making Housing and Community Happen. CFBPW Bill Screening Committee member was the State Representative. We also recognized Stephanie Esquivel, as 2021 Young Professional. She talked about her accomplishments. East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW planned the meeting.
Mavis, Sierra Mar Memorial Chair |
Twila, member of East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW |
Maryann, Sierra Mar Secretary |
Denise, Sierra Mar Treasurer |
Sally, CFBPW State Representative |
Dr. Jill Shook, speaker on Making Housing Happen |
CFBPW President Lynn |
Stephanie Esquivel, Sierra Mar Young Professional 2021 |
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Sierra Mar President-Elect Lynn |
Yvonne, member of East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW |
Marjory, President of Hollywood BPW |
Manjul, NFBPWC and CFBPW Small Business Chairs |
Theresa, member of East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW |
Jacqueline, member of BPW Virtual |
Ada, San Gabriel Valley BPW PR Chair |
Karen, President of East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW |
Linda, President of Sierra Mar District BPW |
Saturday, January 16, 2021 was Sierra Mar’s Winter Conference via Zoom. There were 28 in attendance. The first speaker was be Sher Singh, who is the NFBPWC Diversity Equity Inclusion (DEI) Chair. She spoke on “Cultural Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” and recruiting members. The State Representative wasTrudy Waldroop, Past State President of CFBPW, currently Secretary of Northern District BPW and President of Chico BPW. She gave a talk on the accomplishments of the Past Presidents of the California Federation of Business and Professional Women (CFBPW). Sally, Marie and Marjory planned the meeting. In the photos below Sher Singh is on the left, and Trudy Waldroop is on the right.
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Saturday, October 17th was Sierra Mar’s Fall Conference via Zoom. CFBPW immediate Past State President Rosemary Enzer was the State Representative. NFBPWC immediate Past President Sandy Thompson and CFBPW President Lynn Brandstater were also in attendance. There were 24 people in attendance. The morning speaker was Uche Asiodu, who is currently a Clinical Program Manager for Kaiser Baldwin Park, Diamond Bar Clinic. She presented a PowerPoint presentation on “Managing Stress Through COVID-19.”
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Rosemary Enzer, CFBPW immediate Past President and the State Representative for the meeting |
Sandy Thompson, NFBPWC immediate Past President |
Uche Asiodu, the morning speaker on “Managing Stress During COVID-19” and a Clinical Program Manager for Kaiser Baldwin Park, Diamond Bar Clinic. |
Lynn Brandstater, CFBPW President |
Sierra Mar Treasurer Denise Rubin and El Monte BPW Treasurer Lorene Gutierrez |
Sher Singh, Bay Capital District Treasurer and Downtown Sacramento Vice President |
Manjul Batra, CFBPW Small Business Chair and 2002-03 State President |
Sierra Mar Public Policy Chair Sally McMahon |
Saturday, January 25,2020 was Sierra Mar’s Winter Conference at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 2009 S. Garfield Avenue, Monterey Park, CA. Sally McMahon, Marie Clifton and Marjory Hopper were in charge of the program. CFBPW Secretary Maryann Wesson was the State Representative. The first morning speakers were East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW member Stephanie Ruiz and guest Lupe Diaz talking about their experiences walking behind the Rose Parade float celebrating the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment where women won the right to vote. The third morning speaker was CFBPW Vice President Sally McMahon talking on the “New Voting Procedures for 2020 in Los Angeles County.” The luncheon speaker was Nan Johnson, who talked about the effort that went into raising the funds for the float celebrating the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment. Johnson is retired Political Science Adjunct Professor at the University of Rochester, NY, co-founder of the Friends of Women’s Rights National Historical Park in Seneca Falls, New York., the Founding Director of the Susan B. Anthony Center for Women’s Leadership at the University of Rochester and past President of the AAUW (Rochester).
Stephanie Ruiz, East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW member, |
Dawneen Lorance, a member of the Pasadena Celebrates 2020 Rose Parade Float Committee |
Nan Johnson, who had the idea for the Rose Parade float and led the Committee |
CFBPW Program/Projects Chair with speaker Nan Johnson |
Nan Johnson in front of Rose Parade float |
2020 Rose Parade Float celebrating the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment |
Signs on Rose Parade float |
Saturday, June 15,2019 was the June Training Meeting and Dessert Auction, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 2009 S. Garfield Avenue, Monterey Park, CA (East Valley was in charge of the program). CFBPW Program/Projects Chair Marjory Hopper was the State Rep. At the start of the meeting State Senator Susan Rubin stopped in to greet the group and express her support and appreciation for all that the volunteer Clubs do to help their communities. The first morning speaker was Veronica Lopez from Assemblywoman Blanca Rubio’s Office. The second morning speaker was Sandra Lopez, Mayor Pro-tem of Rosemead and from State Senator Susan Rubio’s Office. The afternoon program was a discussion of membership recruitment and writing postcards in support of a bill in Congress to have a new series of quarters with the reverse featuring suffragists in each State in commemoration of the ratification of the 19th Amendment where women won the right to vote after an effort of more than 70 years.
State Rep, CFBPW Program/Projects Chair and Hollywood BPW President MarjoryHopper |
First Timer and guest Teresita |
First Timer and member of East Los Angeles-Montebello BPW Catherine “Kathy” Wills |
State Senator Susan Rubio with East Valley President Sally |
Veronica Lopez, staff person of Assemblywoman Blanca Rubio and 1st morning speaker |
Veronica Lopez and Sandra Armenta Lopez |
Saturday, May 4, 2019 Annual Conference, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 2009 S. Garfield Avenue, Monterey Park, CA (East Los Angeles-Montebello was in charge of the program). CFBPW President-Elect Lynn Brandstater was the State Rep. The morning speaker was filmmaker Ashley Maria talking on the early March meetings of the BPW International Leaders’ Summit and the United Nations’ Commission on the Status of Women. Ashley Maria was the Young BPW member representing North America and the Caribbean to that meeting. The luncheon speaker was Salma Solis, Young Professional and Director of Operations for the West San Gabriel Boys and Girls Club. The afternoon speaker was Barbara Kappos, Executive Director of the East Los Angeles Women’s Center.
Lynn Brandstater, CFBPW Vice President and State Rep. for the Conference |
![]() Ashley Maria, BPW International Young BPW Representative to the United Nations’ Commission on the Status of Women and the morning speaker |
![]() First slide on Ashley Maria’s talk on the United Nations’ Commission on the Status of Women |
Introductory slide about Ashley Maria |
The Young BPW members at the United Nations |
Ashley Maria at the United Nations |
BPW International’s Side Events at the United Nations’ Commission on the Status of Women in March 2019 |
Ashley Maria showing some of the buttons and pins. |
Salma Solis, Sierra Mar District BPW’s |
![]() Sierra Mar Program/Projects Chair Sally McMahon awarding Salma Solis the plaque for being Sierra Mar BPW District’s Young Professional for 2019 |
![]() Barbara Kappos, Executive Director of the East Los Angeles Women’s Center and the afternoon speaker for the Conference |
Barbara Kappos |
Monday, March 25, 2019 Sierra Mar District BPW helps Covina Woman’s Club celebrate their 120th anniversary.
Saturday, January 26, 2019 Joint Conference with Valley Sunset District at Quiet Cannon Montebello, CA. CFBPW State Treasurer Elaine Wakeham was the State Rep. Conference Theme: Empowering Women to be BOLD!
Registration for the Conference |
Valley Sunset President Anne Marie presiding at the Joint Conference |
Sierra Mar First Timers Chair |
1st Morning Speaker: Dr. Emerald Archer from |
![]() Valley Sunset Program/Projects Chair Marjory with speaker Dr. Emerald Archer |
2nd Morning Speaker: Catherine “Kathy” Wills, retired Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff |
Valley Sunset Program/Projects Chair Marjory with speaker Catherine “Kathy” Wills |
Attendees at the Joint Conference |
Saturday, October 20, 2018 Fall Conference, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 2009 S. Garfield Avenue, Monterey Park, CA (El Monte BPW was in charge of the program).
![]() NFBPWC President and State Rep for the Sierra Mar Fall Conference Sandy Thompson |
![]() Sandy and Chair of the Fall Conference Shirley Campbell |
Morning Speaker Renee Rose, Deputy-in-Charge of the Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse Section of the White Collar Crimes Division of the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office |
Morning speaker Renee Rose, who talked on scams involving Senior Citizens |
![]() First Timers’ Chair Helen Crisp with First Timer Cherrl-Lou Jacobson from Conejo Valley |
![]() Afternoon speaker Sally McMahon, League of Women Voters, doing presentation on the Propositions on the November ballot |
Hollywood BPW President Marjory Hopper discussing CFBPW’s Focus Issue “Sexual Harassment and Abuse Against Working Women” with Cherrl-Lou Jacobson of Conejo Valley BPW